Events: replace "Country Code" in Address
Elizabeth Huebner
We're using a required address in a event and people don't know what to put in "Country Code" so they're getting error messages. Please change to "Country" or something more typical for users.
Robert O'Connell
This is a very high UI defect. It is causing repeated user input errors and should be fixed ASAP.
Many EVENTS registrants are complaining that Country Code, a text input that accepts only two characters, offers no humanly readable dropdown list from which to select a recognizable Country Name. The ISO 3166-1 two-digit code (e.g., 'US' for 'United States') is too arcane for human users to memorize. Humans should not be expected to know these two-digit ISO codes. Also, a two-digit ISO country code is too easily confused with telephone country codes of varying character lengths that precede a phone number (e.g., '1' for 'United States', '380' for 'Ukraine').
So, please replace 'Country Code' with a selectable 'Country Name' dropdown list of humanly readable country names as code table values. You can then associate the selected country name with the more arcane two-digit country code as the select option value with which to populate your two-digit database field.
Amy Kennedy
yes please!
New Community Church
Yes yes and yes..make things simple