Automatic Customizable Recurring Emailed Reports
Julia Rhodes
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Weekly Email Report of Giving
Hunter Diskin
Setup report that can be emailed weekly to members for the past weeks giving.
Julia Rhodes
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Automatically Emailed Customized Reports
Danny Webb
Generated reports automatically on a interval of my choice with the option of and the ability to sending to multiple users?
Julia Rhodes
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Report for Accounting Softward
Julie DeKruif
Another report that would be incredibly helpful to get info into our accounting software and allow for easy bank reconciliations would be:
A report that shows totals by Deposit Date, by Fund for any period of time we select. We would also need the report to show Method of Payment as a filter or column output.
Here is a sample.
Date Fund Amount
2/24/2020 General 100
2/24/2020 Benevolence 50
2/25/2020 General 200
2/25/2020 Lampost Ministry 10
2/25/2020 Kenya Mission 20
Julia Rhodes
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Giving statements auto-generated
Gus Franklin
Have a weekly giving report generated automatically and sent to a specific admin
Jesse Underwood
Automated reports via email would be amazing.
Wynola Wilburn
if this total will take into account the fees, the fees that were not covered so that it will show the actual deposit amount by fund, would be great!
Daniel Yu
I guess this has not hit enough momentum to be a future planned feature?
Jonathan Adamczewski
A great idea!
Adam Barry
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automatic reports
Sacha Hasenyager
. I am moving to from a different provider. And we can receive weekly/monthly reports that are automatic. It's reduces the workload of bookkeepers who manage missionaries raising support.
Adam Barry
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Reoccuring reports
Daniel Yu
Ability to create scheduled emails of the Summary Report so I can add a begin date of last Monday to Sunday and have it scheduled to send every Monday morning. Being able to customize the query to have monthly Summary Reports of Jan 1 to 31 or even monthly deposit reports.
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