Filter the Dashboard by Fund, Events, etc
under review
Tammy Brooks
1. We are using Tithely as our primary payment processing tool. This means there are transactions processed that have nothing to do with giving, such a rental income. I would like to request that a filter is added to dashboard to allow for the selection of Funds. We look at Tithes & Offerings primarily and really like the Quick Insights, but these aren't as helpful if skewed by transactions that aren't giving.
Julia Rhodes
Merged in a post:
add widget "source of income"
cay villars
A source of income indicator: Events, donations, donation source (website, tithely app) would be helpful.
Julia Rhodes
Merged in a post:
Filter the Dashboard by Fund
Joshua Robinson
We have several funds, but for the dashboard I often just want to see one fund at a time. The visual representation is super helpful in general, but I really want to see trends for specific funds please!
cay villars
total by source would be very helpful and necessary for reporting to boards, etc.
Julia Rhodes
under review
cay villars
search to show all transactions sorted by month and by source with a total for each for each month. total gifts, total events, total "other" - not sure if "product sales" show up in dashboard... or not?? does that feel more clear?
Julia Rhodes
Hi Cay! I love this idea. I will put this as under review for our team to see about adding this in for the future.
cay villars
Julia Rhodes: If there was a way to add a notation to transactions this would be helpful. we had a purchase made through the tithely pay, but there is no record of what it is for. it is not a donation and got lumped in with our donations total. tithely pay is very handy - we actually use it for event payments because it is simple to use and the events on CMS is complicated. however it comes over as a blank field with no identifying information. it would be helpful if we could add a note, and if the source (product name) would display. Having a product name column is essential. categorizing transactions by type of transaction is essential. thanks.
Julia Rhodes
Hi Cay! Can you give me some more details on your request here? What kind of report are you hoping to pull here?
Julia Rhodes
Merged in a post:
I cannot find monthly summary and detail reports
I can find these in version 1.0 but not 2.0
Julia Rhodes
Hi Joshua! This is great insight and I love this idea. We will put this under review to look to see if we can add in for the future.
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