Notification for First Time Givers
Julia Rhodes
Merged in a post:
New Signups
austin titus
We want to know how many NEW (ie first time) givers are joining tithely each week. Please show the giver's date of signup
Julia Rhodes
Hi all! Although we don't have a notification for this yet, we have added a First Time Donors widget into the Dashboard. You will be able to go into the Dashboard and see those First Time Givers listed based on the date range selected.
Julia Rhodes
Royce Panzarini
We would love to be able to leverage the first time people give as a way to connect them to other areas of the church.
Michael Richards
100% yes. Just sat with an important pastor nationally who said "The most important numbers are 1. New Givers 2. Recurring givers". Please, let's make this happen. This is a feature PUSHPAY has and a very helpful for putting people through email funnels to give more and also get involved in other areas of church.
Jim Becker
how about an automated thank you email?
Michael Richards
Jim Becker: YES!!
Jacob Martin
Gene Gieselman
We are also looking for this capability