Media - Missing My Media
David Porter
It seems that when I want to add a graphic or photo to our church website, it now must be uploaded to Media.
Within Sites, I can see what I have uploaded to Media through My Media tab. In Media, I can't see or manage what I have uploaded to My Media.
To manage what I have uploaded, I have to add or modify a graphic, click on Upload from Media before i can get to a place to delete old images I no longer need, or did not work when I saw them on the website.
cay villars
thanks for adding "my media" to the dashboard!!
Great news, with a recent release you can now upload and organize your media files from the Media Dashboard.
Head to your Media Dashboard to see the latest update.
in progress
Exciting news! We are currently in the process of adding "My Media" to the Media dashboard. Stay tuned for more details! 😊
Merged in a post:
Upload and save images to Media
Chris Schroeder
The ability to save your own graphics and images in Media
Thank you for your request, we appreciate your comments. At this time you can upload your own graphics and images while using the Media Modal within Sites or Apps. Uploading directly within the Media Dashboard is being explored by our team but no timeframe on when this feature will be built and made available. If anything does update on the status of this request we will let you know. Thanks!
Thank you for your request, we appreciate your comments. At this time, 'My Media' is only available through the Media Modal which is connected to several products. If anything does update on the status of this request we will let you know.
Conrad Lampan
Alvina: I have the same problem, it is a bit disconcerting and confusing when you have to go through a sort of back door process to access what you need. Should it not be an ideal and easy thing to just have a "My Media" options within "Media"??