Increase Monthly SMS Limit
Nick Smith
I understand that a Messaging subscription is currently only $5/month. However, a 200 SMS messages limit per month is pretty limiting. A small church could potentially manage within that constraint, but medium to large-sized congregations would hit the limit in one or two blasts. Either increasing the limit or offering additional tiered plans with higher limits would make Messaging more viable to use. Currently, 200 messages a month is hard to recommend for others to use when alternatives like Clearstream exist.
Michael Lane
I would love to see this as well.
Pat Marinich
Yes!! We use like 600 a month, so the pay per would be very expensive!
Terese Tye
hi Nick,
Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback. At this time we do not have plans to offer other pricing plans but I will take this suggestion to our internal finance team to see if we can offer this.
thank you,
Terese Tye - Product Manager
Jon Sherwood
As I understand it, a "blast" is only 1 message, no matter how many it goes out to. the 200 message limit is how many messages you 'send' (not receive, or how many people those messages go out to).
Nick Smith
Jon Sherwood: I wish that were the case. However, both from my experience with how most other texting systems work as well as what support told me directly, each person included in a blast list counts towards the monthly limit; 200 people on a church-wide announcement list would hit your limit after sending only one blast with the current limit.