SMS Picture attachments
Admin Live Oak Church
Please add the feature to be able to add a photo to a text message blast. We send a weekly text to our children's parents with a picture of what is coming. We would like to use the site to do that vs. our children's director sending the text to everyone each week individually.
Sarah Schelbach
Merged in a post:
SMS Pictures
Alison Stripling
We would love to be able to send and photo or a flyer through SMS. We typically never get emails as people only text now.
Karolin Bell
I so agree. Having to upload photo on media and then get a link just adds too much text and is confusing when sending out message. Just make it simple where photo is embedded with text
Admin Live Oak Church
Yes Please make this an option!
Pat Marinich
All the old text blast services we used before allowed this. We are only using Messaging because we have switched to all Tithely. Messaging is lacking.
We used to be able to send a blast, through a text also. Like the authorized person could text our number and it would blast everyone without using that awful web interface we have now.
Kasey Cullom
Merged in a post:
group text messaging customization
Misty Vaught
allow for customization in group texting (like spacing, images, and emojis). similar to what is provided through eztexting or other group messaging platforms.
Kasey Cullom
Merged in a post:
Allow Media in Messaging
Mike Richards
Allow us to put media in the text message we send out.
Kasey Cullom
Merged in a post:
Adding pic or image to a blast or text message
Tom and Cheryl Hadden
Text in Church allows me to copy and paste one of my saved pics into a text message to groups. But I cannot do this with Tithely messaging.
Tom and Cheryl Hadden
Yes! Text in Church allows that! So not sure I will switch over.
Misty Vaught
Yes, and include free images that we can put in texts.