Availability in Europe
Johannes Dück
Please make Tithely People (and all other services) available in Europe, so that we can benefit from the whole system :) Especially now, where Elvanto will not be the No.1 supported plattform anymore (I know that it is supported but every fancy upgrade will be in Tithely People) - we need all other apps in Europe to serve our churches in the best possible way.
Matt Morrison
Thanks Johannes and Torsten, this is absolutely something that we'll make available. It will take some time, but I can confirm this is in our plans.
Torsten Pfrommer
Matt Morrison: Can you tell what you mean with "some time". Do you think in terms of months or years?
Matt Morrison
Torsten Pfrommer: With what we have on our plate for these next 2 quarters, it's not likely we'll be able to tackle it this calendar year, but 2022 absolutely feels realistic. I spoke with several team members about your request this week, and everyone was adamant that we'll make sure this happens.
Torsten Pfrommer
Matt Morrison: Great! This helps to plan.
Johannes Dück
Matt Morrison: Awesome!!! :) Thanks for focussing and discussing in your team! Looking forward… :)
Torsten Pfrommer
Matt Morrison: Hi Matt, yesterday I was told from your team that a Giving account is needed to use People and that Giving is not available in Germany. So this means that we are not able to have a look on People right now and keep an eye on further developements. Is this right?
And will there be a way to use People without Giving or will Giving be made available in Germany/Europe in future?
Matt Morrison
Torsten Pfrommer: Hi Torsten, this is correct. At the moment, neither are available in Germany. On the People side, that's what we'll be looking to make available in the future. (I wouldn't be able to speak to the Giving side, but I feel confident they would also be very keen to expand into Germany.)
Johannes Dück
Matt Morrison: Hey Matt, is there ANYTHING we can do to speed up that process? I'm seeing all that awesome stuff in the Tithe.ly NEXT event, and we REALLY need all that features! 😍😍😍 It would solve so many problems we are struggeling with 🙈
Stufi Schranz
Matt Morrison: Hey Matt. As Elvanto users, we would like to benefit from all the tithley products. Do you know, when this will be available for Europe/Switzerland?
Johannes Dück
Stufi Schranz: They're changing their plans like every month. It was promised (!) to happen, but like many other promises this one was not kept and unfortunately they do not communicate very well... I think the European market is just to small...
Matt Morrison
Johannes Dück Stufi Schranz: Our apologies that we hadn't updated the Canny request here, but in October we were able to announce that Tithely People and Messaging are now available worldwide for our customers.
Link to announcement during Tithely Next: https://youtu.be/7koFYyH_lMw?t=3608
Johannes Dück
Matt Morrison: Thanks for the update! At least something. It's a beginning... But only a few products do not really help. We need all of them. Especially people and messaging is quite the same in Elvanto. We need the other products to get rid of Elvanto, because you do not really take it seriously with Elvanto anymore... Please roll out ALL the products, so we can switch to Tithely and get rid of Elvanto. That would be awesome.
René Schubert
Matt Morrison, is there any update on this topic? Greetings from Germany and happy Easter! 🐣
Torsten Pfrommer
I totally agree. It is for us very important to have Tithely People available in Europe and the other apps. The possibility to use Elvanto in other languages like German is one top feature, that convinced us to switch to Elvanto. And we would love to use Tithely People and the other apps. But we need clarity, that and when it will be available in Europe/Germany.