Add a Prayer Wall to Website
Kim Johnson
We’re looking to add a Prayer Wall to our site. We really like the prayer wall found on and on the Is there something in the works on for this?
Matthew Crider
yes! preferrably synced with the app prayer wall. I would imagine most people would add a prayer on the app and it would be nice if it would sync to the site.
However, it may also be nice to have to login to see it on the site. The church app will typically be installed and used by our church family whereas the church site is more publicly facing and searchable.
Merged in a post:
Prayer Wall on Website
Jeffrey Stringer
We have the Prayer Wall on the App. Why not simply make the same available on the website. As of now, it has to be listed as "News" and seems inappropriate. This should be an easy code fix. Thanks!!
Tyler Rasmussen is related to this post.
Admin NZCC
I agree. It would be great to have a version of the prayer wall that's on the mobile app added to the website so that both sync automatically so that if a church member submits a prayer request on either the mobile app or on the website, we will see the request add/updated on both platforms.
Matthew Redstone
I like this idea
Jacob Jansen
This is one thing my church used on our wix site and would very much like it on our site on here.
Merged in a post:
Add Prayer Wall to Sites
Jerry Miner
Love the prayer wall, would love it more if we could have it on the website.
Jerry Miner
Need it!
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, that said, we do watch trending posts on this platform so if this request is upvoted that helps our team understand what our customers really need and want.
Jim Becker
There is a prayer wall in the Church App. It would be great to make that available on the website.
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