Make Livestreams Recurring
John Kimball
Please make it possible for Livestreams to be recurring events on Sites. You have this feature on Apps. When we have the exact same event at the exact same time every week (like a worship service), why would you not make it recurring so our admins don't have to post the same event every week? Please address this for us. Thanks!
Tina Guillot
Love this idea... or allow us to schedule multiple streams at one time sort of like we can do with services in Elvanto.
Jeremy Stearns
Alvina any updates on this request?
Jeremy Stearns
Please make this feature happen. Having to go in and set up each livestream every week is tedious and non-efficient. A simple box to make it recurring similar to how you can make events today recurring would be great!
Deirdre Horton
Yes please!! Our only option is to imbed the livestream and we lose all the features of the reoccurring countdowns that we had with our previous company
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Static LIve Stream button
Lee Brumback
Is there a way to have one "Current Live Stream" button on Sites that is static? We host a live stream of our worship every week at the same time using the same Facebook address.
Currently, we have to schedule a new live stream each week with the current date. Then, after the live stream is completed we copy the Facebook link for that video to the website and schedule a new live stream for the next week. It would be nice to skip a step and only have to create a live stream for the archive.
I tried setting up a Live Stream that says "Current Sunday," but it still requites you to change the date every week. Is there a way to automate the process?
Catherine Pate
Yes please! This needs to be a high priority item!
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Recurring LiveStream events
Jim Becker
While the batch entry of live streams is great for Lenten, Summer and other midweek services for a season. We need a recurring live stream fir Sundays that shares information with othe things like the newsketter, the bulletin and others.
The recurring live streams would be created "x" number of days before the event starts.
To make the ibformation about the service flexible, we need a URL in place of the Notes section so we can point to a file with the readings or the bulletin. We use that file in several places.
Also the Title should point to a calendar of the liturgical year.
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Live stream on Web
Roberto Lopez
To make it simpler for our volunteer base here at church I have a request, allow the use of the permanent URL from Youtube to be added so that no one has to go and copy/paste each week. This is currently possible on the mobile app side that is also through you guys. But the best thing for us long-term is if you can add the use of custom URL's, we use for encoding to Live Stream and they offer two URLs to use depending on the need and it will be awesome to be able to use one or both I prefer the DASH one. Here are the URLs they offer us. DASH:
Thank you,
Thank you for your request, we appreciate your comments and if anything does update on the status of this request we will let you know.
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Elijah Putnam
Can you please update the livestream section so we can keep using the same settings for future livestreams? also maybe an option for recurring livestreams
Example, It’s hard for multiple administrators to keep pasting in the iFrame code for every livestream that we have. We would like to be able to keep some of the settings as default but just change the date/time and anything else.
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