Loading A Sermon from a YouTube Live stream has serious problems for our volunteer team.
  1. You have to copy the URL into an address bar to “get it to remove Live” from the URL or manually edit it. (Our last effort to make this work took an hour of fruitless effort). This process should be automatic when you past the link, Tithely automatically “fixes” the URL.
  2. After pasting the URL the we want the sermons to start at the Sermon (usually start at around the 50 minute mark of the stream) and this can be set in YouTube when copying the URL. But when it is pasted into Tithely the video reverts to 00:00 and refuses to start at the beginning of the sermon. So visitors have to navigate to the start of the sermon manually (an exercise where visitors to our Site routinely abandon the process). The alternative is for our volunteer team to set Chapter marks in the YouTube video and then write instructions in the description of each video e.g. go to XX:XX. Again hardly a fantastic methodology for our volunteers and not user friendly for our viewers.
Hope you can take this job on as a matter of urgency.