Adding photos to Events and Notes
Colin Christensen
Currently, when I create an event or note, or blog in the App, I have to go to the Tithely dashboard, go to photos, click on the album, add a picture or open a picture, copy the address from the browser (blob....) and paste it into the field in the app for the note/blog/event. This is time consuming and strange. Might we have a "browse" function in the event/blog/note for the image field to search the files or images in our area?
Thanks for considering this. Keep up the beautiful designs.
Steven Jones
Terese Tye
Events and Notes are now connected to Tithely Media and you can upload your own images.
Merged in a post:
Steven Jones
My church app used to have easier way of adding photos to events. Why was this easier way changed? I see someone has submitted a similar topic previously. What is the status of the fix?
Terese Tye
hi Colin and fellow voters,
Just an update - we are discussing plans to revamp the way users will add photos to Apps Dashboard- keep an eye out in the next few months for a product update on this.
John Holtkamp
John Holtkamp
Thanks for the feedback Colin! This is definitely on our development roadmap for this year!