Home Tile Configuration
Tyson Bryant
I'd like to be able to make certain minor changes to the Home tiles without having to engage a Tithely developer. We've currently got a 6 tile layout. If it were possible I would enjoy changing one of those tiles with a new image and to point to a different place in the App (maybe an App page, maybe a native part of the apps, who knows).
We sometimes have initiatives that last anywhere from a week to a month and having the freedom to dynamically update the Home tiles would be really nice.
I'm not talking about changing the layout, number of tiles, etc. I just want more control over the image being used and where the tiles point to. I anticipate all but one always remaining static anyway--but being able to change at least one on my own would be cooler than a polar bear in an ice cream parlor.
Terese Tye
Early Access for this feature is available now in your dashboard!
Isaac Ellis
Terese Tye: how do we sign up for early access from the dashboard? I'm not seeing the option...
Terese Tye
Isaac Ellis: you may need to refresh your browser:
For Mac in Chrome - Hold down Command (⌘) + Shift + R
For Mac in Safari - Command (⌘) + Option (⌥) + R
For Windows Chrome - Hold down Ctrl and press F5
Isaac Ellis
Terese Tye: thx, found it! Blue bar at the top with a "join" button...just overlooked it. Thank you for this!!! 🙏🏽
Pat Marinich
Terese Tye: Join Now is not clickable.
Jeremy Stearns
Bump...any updates on this? Would love to see churches have more flexibility when it comes to changes.
Jeremy Stearns
Any updates on the progress of this feature?
Terese Tye
in progress
hi folks - we have this feature in development right now!! I will keep you posted!
Aaron Waszaj
Terese Tye: LET'S GO!!!! 💪🙌🔥
Terese Tye
Merged in a post:
Control of home tiles
Dustin Jones
It would be really nice to be able to have full control of customization of the home tiles on the church app. Thank you
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your input. This has currently been moved to "Under Review."
Again, thank you.
Tithely Team
under review
Tyson Bryant
I'm going to do the annoying thing and bump this again. I'm going to need to update some of my home tiles soon, and based on some of the comments below, knowing we don't have a mechanism to do that ourselves I'm worried about how that process is going to go.
Merged in a post:
WYSIWYG Layout builder
Adam Barry
It would be great to be able to have a tool that lets an admin to create and update layouts for the home screen and sub pages using a wysiwyg edtior.
Hoa Luu
This sounds like a great idea! We are currently trying to get our tiles uploaded as well and I would say if this was possible to do ourselves, your workload might reduce because you'd be getting less emails from us with all our requests! :)
Thanks for all the work you are doing for us!
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