Prayer wall notification
Tiffany Richardson
Please alert/notify members when a prayer request has been posted, otherwise I’m afraid people will not see any of them. The connection we are striving to increase would be greatly advanced with this feature!
Nick Marblestone
Thank you for this suggestion! This is currently being implemented and will go live soon, allowing you to turn on automatic notifications for any prayer requests submitted to the prayer wall.
Jeff Quackenbush
Thank you, Nick. I hope the notifications will also include replies to requests. I realize that could get tedious with well-wishers offering support. Maybe notifications could limited to replies by the request poster.
Nick Marblestone
Thank you for this suggestion! This is currently being implemented and will go live soon, allowing you to turn on automatic notifications for any prayer requests submitted to the prayer wall.
Chance Strickland
Nick Marblestone Great news!
SAC Office
This is the number one complaint with our App and even our leadership is not a fan that there is no automatic notification sent when someone enters a prayer request.
Jeff Quackenbush
SAC Office, the Tithely expense was just brought up again at our finance meeting, and the lack of notifications on the Prayer Wall was a key concern. I again told the leadership that the app developers have noted this as a feature in development. I hope that there will eventually be an app/platform development roadmap with goal deadlines for rollouts of fixes and features.