


Church Apps

Church Apps - February 14, 2020

CORE CHANGES (Dashboard and Backend)
  • UPDATE - A new link button has been added for all tabs in the Tabs section of the app. This allows you to easily grab a link to use within a push notification or App Pages to natively link into an area of the app
  • UPDATE - The Prayer Wall styling on the dashboard has been updated
  • UPDATE - Further optimized the process of integrating feeds into the Church Apps platform
  • FIX - You can once again see the success rate of a push notification on Android
  • FIX - Additional stability has been added for linking Facebook into the Newsfeed
  • FIX - Updated the available options for grid layouts
  • FIX - Improved styling for the new Analytics section
  • UPDATE - Added the ability to link to native sections of the app from a push notification
  • UPDATE - Added the ability to link into Settings, Inbox, and Group Notification Settings from almost anywhere in the app
  • UPDATE - Increased the font size and line spacing for the native Bible on Android to match the styling on iOS for readability
  • UPDATE - Changed the date format within the list of sermon notes on Android
  • UPDATE - When a campus is chosen
  • FIX - Optimizes the spacing between the keyboard and text entry field when posting a reply to a prayer request on iPhone X style screens
  • FIX - Added stability for opening PDFs on Android
  • FIX - Corrects an issue in the Notification Settings area on Android