Allow volunteers to fill in specific empty positions
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Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
rosters - allow admin to request volunteers to fill vacancies
Fergus Semler
As an admin of the rosters, I frequently get people declining rather than swapping or requesting a replacement.
In this case, I'd love to be able to make a request for a replacement via the same method as the volunteer could have done - getting elvanto to seek someone from among a range of volunteers.
That way, instead of rostering someone who then declines (repeat), I'd get someone available first time.

Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Self scheduling / signup
Andreas Lackner
It would be handy if volunteers could independently register/plan for certain positions without the need for them to be planned by a leader.

Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Allow volunteers to signup for services
Joël Walther
It would be great to give the ability to volunteers to register semself for services. The admin could ask to sigup for a period of time (ex. next 6 month)
In some cases, the auto schedule will not work as some volunteers are booked to services outside (and are not in Elvanto).
And for thuse who don't use auto schedule, some volunteers are planed in different ministries. Not easy to cross all calendar. The self registration is the best way in this case.
this functionality could be taken into account with this similar point:

Sabrina Sherman
Hey Joël :)
Thank you for this request.
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, but we do watch trending posts on this platform so if this request is upvoted that helps our team understand what our customers really need and want.
I'm going to go ahead and merge this request with an existing one so your votes count together!
If anything progresses I will keep you updated on this post.
Joël Walther
Please vote as well for this one (similar) :

Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Volunteers subsription (signup) per service
Joël Walther
Another to way to plan volunteers to services would be via a formular subcription.
This formular would list all available futur services. The volunteer can the choose with service and date he want to serve.
It will automatically update the service.
NB: one exemple online tools :
Rachel Rumple
I would like to request that volunteers can just schedule themselves for their assigned department and available dates. Thanks

Sabrina Sherman
Hi Jonathan :) I'm going to merge this with en existing request of the same nature.

Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Invite Service Volunteers
Max Holtzhouser
Invite members to sign up to volunteer for services. There are some situations where we would rather push out the need for volunteers for events and services, inviting members to sign up for roles themselves.

Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Allow volunteers to sign up for shifts they want (or at least request preferences)
Angie Friesen
Instead of going backwards and entering unavailability, have the option for volunteers to just sign up for the Sundays they want (or at least request a Sunday) to take more pressure off the Admin for scheduling and put it on the volunteers.
Admins can still fill in any holes, but it would make things more efficient and friendly for the volunteers.
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