As a schedule user I'd like it if volunteers could be set to serve together, or separately
Justin Langman
When we switched to Elvanto I was very surprised this pretty basic functionality was not present. It should be there. Makes rostering much harder than it should be.
St Phil's Office Eastwood
Oh this would be great. I had this ability in another church management program. I could roster couples/people together and also keep others apart. EG never roster this person wth that person. It was a great function.
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Scheduling Preferences
Jennifer Seo
There are often times family members have specific preferences for volunteering (ex. a couple preferring to serve on the same Sunday or on different days). I would like to request a way for these preferences to be indicated in their family profiles so that there is notification when a scheduling preference is met/conflict arises.
Sabrina Sherman
Hey Jennifer :)
Thank you for this request.
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, but we do watch trending posts on this platform.
This request actually already exists, so I'm actually going to merge this request with an existing one. That way we can see your votes count together.
If anything progresses I will keep you updated on this post.
Rosemary Finn
YES PLEASE! We've just started using Elvanto and many of our volunteers are couples, friends or families serving together and there's a fair bit of frustration that treating these units as separate entities means many of them end up on the roster very frequently.
Janeen Killian Dishman
YES YES YES!!! This would make the auto scheduler something useful! As it stands I can't use it, or if I do it has to be mostly redone to get people back with their partners. If there could be a "volunteers with" or some sort of way to indicate a duo on the roster that would be amazing!
Brendon Costa
The help documents say this isn't something Elvanto supports at the moment. But is an important feature needed to support the rostering families. This is a very common use case across many churches. At the moment these dependencies need to be known and upheld manually with no support for the person creating the roster.
Some people below in comments focus on always "together" but the always "separately" is super important, and more difficult to manage at the moment. For "together" we can use groups to help us but "separately" is difficult to manage at the moment.
An example use case mentioned many times is we cant schedule both the husband and wife on the same day as one needs to look after the kids.
A rule could be setup like existing preferences where we select a new option "Not with" or "Always with" and a search box to choose another volunteer.
Danielle Pfitzner
Yes please!!!!! I cant use the auto schedule function at all because of this. I have too many couples with young kids and families that I have to do it all manually. It would be great to be able to set a few things:
- Set Couples / Families for a single position not just an individual. E.g Church Cleaning Roster, Morning Tea.
- Set restrictions on people who shouldn't serve together in the same area of the roster. E.g Teen Brothers who don't work well together on music on the same week, Couples with small children who cant both be serving during the service.
- Set mentors or people who should be set to serve on at the same time. E.g teen musician who needs to be rostered on with a mentor, parent who should be rostered on the same week as a child.
- The ability to set a preference as admin for how often people serve generally (I have volunteers who burn themselves out if not kept under check)
And with that the ability to set preferences for how often families serve. E.g I try to give every family one service off a month if I can, where no one in that family is serving on that day, so that they can just worship together (or go away if they need) but this is so time consuming to do manually.
This would be game changing for me and would cut my rostering time by possibly 2 hrs.
John Austin Helm
I might be missing something, but it's my understanding the "Teams" function accomplishes this quite nicely.
Yes necessary - apparently a feature in planning centre?
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