Better Email Customizations
Andrew B
Can I upvote this by +100? even basic improvements like adding blocks, images, drag and drop editor, some basic templates (fixed width content area, mobile responsive) would go a long way to helping the email editor be even remotely relevant in 2024 and beyond.
what's especially curious to me is the Elvanto's editor is so poor, compared to what it seems like offers - - couldn't you simply deploy the same features since the companies are linked? are you developing but leaving elvanto behind?
Maggie Hill
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Office St John's
Redesign and add more features to the email feature. Include an image attachment in the body, better formatting options, etc. The emailing is very difficult and frustrating to use.
Maggie Hill
Thank you for your feedback! This request has been previously submitted, so I am going to merge your post into the existing thread.
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, but we do watch trending posts on this platform so if this request is upvoted that helps our team understand what the majority of our customers really need and want.
If anything progresses, you will be updated on this post.
cay villars
It seems from the most recent Launch event that there will be an update to the ease with which custom emails are created. this feels helpful. we understand that there are many specialists companies in this field but would love for elvanto/tithely to better handle the following with respect to helping us manage our mail list database. a better way to track/manage these bounces would be helpful in elvanto.
- email bounce backs (so that they just don't go to the general email box somewhere and have to be handled manually.
- a better way of discerning who should be added to the general mail list via forms. For instance, someone may be just making an inquiry vs. really wants to be on our mail list. Right now we are having to screen each incoming form completion to see if the person really wants to be on our mail list, and had to create a form field whether they do want to be added.
if they do not want to be added we have to manually uncheck them from the "general mail list" check box. it is pretty cumbersome and time consuming.
Andrew Jackson
I use the postcards could it be added?
Stewart Polley
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Embed HTML email editor
Grace Network Technology Administrator
Handcoding HTML emails sucks. How about adding in (embedding) one of the many high-quality editors like BeeFree (, or Stripo ( or any of the many others out there (see as an example).
Stewart Polley
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More formatting options for emails
Joey Green
Hi Folks,
Admin staff have requested the following features for the email component of Elvanto
- Spacing options (line Spacing)
- Paint format
- Quick resize of images
Monica Prescott
Agreed on the line-spacing request, please!
Jill Lloyd
It's been a while since anyone commented on this and I get this question from the design team often. Wondering if there's any movement or time line for it - we already use Mailchimp for global church emails but do not want every person in elvanto who has access to create an email using mailchimp - thus the need for greater customisation. Thanks Stewart
Stewart Polley
Jill Lloyd: Nothing concrete yet.
There's a few more general things in the works that will impact this though.
Leah Ramjewan
To update this request it would be awesome to have some formatting options for email campaigns.
See a sample below.
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