Check-in screen dietary / medical
Adam Payne
We can print out this info on labels but - it would be great to have an Identifying symbol on check-in and when seeing who is checked-in via room view at a glance who has info regarding a medical or dietary requirement. Perhaps not the actual issue for privacy - but definitely need a visual indicator. Eg. Child will have an "episode" if placed in enclosed space. This info can then be reviewed by leader at each check-in.
Emily Oliver
I would suggest similar for Events. It would be good if, upon checking-in to a service, or when planning an event, we could see a list of all stored allergies/medical/dietary issues. We have a custom 'dietary requirements' field but it's not overly helpful because it doesn't carry through to those functions.
Maggie Hill
Hello Adam,
Thank you for this request.
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, but we do watch trending posts on this platform so if this request is upvoted that helps our team understand what the majority of our customers really need and want.
If anything progresses, you will be updated on this post.