Extended family relationships
Vikki Shelor
It would be extremely helpful to be able to identify extended families within Elvanto/Breeze/Tithley. I hope that an opportunity for this is in the works and will be coming out soon!
Tyler Rasmussen
This request overlaps with https://tithely.canny.io/chms-feature-requests/p/distinguish-household-from-family - consider merging the two?
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
enable membership in multiple families
Amy Waelchli
I'd like someone's status within a family to reflect the whole web of relationships (e.g. adult head of household but child of another member) and to respect that many children are part of more than one household. We should not have to pick one family to add them to or add them as duplicates in the system.
Sabrina Sherman
Hey Amy :)
Thank you for this request.
This isn't currently something we have on our roadmap, but we do watch trending posts on this platform so if this request is upvoted that helps our team understand what our customers really need and want.
I'm going to merge this with an existing we request we have for this so that your vote can count together!
If anything progresses I will keep you updated on this post.
Janeen Killian Dishman
We also need a way to designate grandchildren who live with a grandparent. Chances are the grandparent is designated as primary contact or spouse. It doesn't work to list them as grandparent when there's no way to specify grandchild.
Alexander Huggett
It's very frustrating to see that this feature has been added to Tithe.ly People but not to ChMS. I don't understand why you wouldn't have upgraded this feature in Elvanto first.
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Families improvement/bug
Ruben Salas
At church we have multiple generations and when families are put together, ChMS mixes all of them as one and you can't tell what family member belongs where. Parents and children are mixed with other family members and in-laws.
Jim Becker
We need to first identify a family group. The sorting should be first by family group, then within the family there should be several options for parental/adult order; husband first, wife first, oldest first or alphabetic order and similar ones for child order; oldest first or alphabetic. This should be a church-wide selection.
There should also be options for including grandparent(s) living at the same address with their children to be included with the family or listed separately. This option should be set individually for each multi-generational family living together.
These options should be system-wide so any report that lists people by last name uses the same sorting.
Stewart Polley
Hi Ruben,
Can you please go into more detail here?
Ruben Salas
Stewart Polley: Let me give you an example we have now. if Family 1 (F1) has several children and their children are married and have kids, The children's spouses and their families come as one family with F1. I this case F1 has children, in-laws and parents of in-laws are part of the their own family.
Stewart Polley
Ruben Salas: Thanks - for that. I've merged your request with this existing request for extended families.
This is not a bug though, our family system right now is simply not designed for extended families like you've set it up for. We only support individual family units, and if children have left and gotten married, they should be in their own family for now.
Jim Becker
Ruben Salas: Here is a data structure that could help with your extended family request. This structure places children connected to a relationship between two people. Membership is not assumed to be there for every person in the database. Visitors can be added to the database.
Fergus Semler
if you mean - sorts them alphabetically by name rather than sorting by family grouping, I agree - I'd add that it's often good to sort by birth order within the family, too (esp children)
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