It would help so so much if the Service View (Plan) looked the same on the Member View as it does on the Admin View, as opposed to looking so different in comparison.
We utilize Elvanto for our church and use the Description portion within different sections throughout the service plan (specifically in the description section in song sections for my team). In the Admin view, you're able to see everything, and can maximize description areas with the drop down arrow. But in the Member View, everything is hidden and you have to click on "Description" to see any details, and unfortunately have to do it every time for everything. It can be pretty convoluted, annoying, and very easy for team members to miss details, when instead, if they were able to see everything like the Admin View, it would be super helpful and beneficial.
Is there any way that this can be adjusted to help with efficiency for volunteers? Currently the only way to see the entire service maximized (no description areas minimized) is to physically print the service plan. We already do this for Sunday mornings, but it needs to be digital for volunteers to practice and prepare throughout the week. Why can't Admin View and Member View be the same view as the Printed View? Or at least have the Member View look the same as the Admin View just without authorization to change anything? It's already there for the Printed View, and looks great (same way Planning Center's Service Plan looks). It would streamline and make everything so much better for our volunteers (and especially Worship Team) if this view could simply just be transferred over.
I've uploaded 3 photos as examples.
Furthermore, I feel like all the criteria here is met:
  1. Interest: Would this feature benefit a large number of churches? (Yes!) How many churches have shown interest in this particular product update? (I know of many).
  2. Consistency: Is the feature consistent with the design and layout of Elvanto, making it a natural addition? (Absolutely. It's already a view for Print View and mostly Admin View).
  3. Scope: Does the feature fall under church management or would it be better handled by a third party? (Church management. Not third party. Would be up to Elvanto/Tithely).