Forms Create a Note on Person's Profile
Andrew Horsfield
I just want to add my support for this feature request. I have a specific case in mind for people wishing to express interest in serving in a particular area via a form, being added to a Ministry People Flow, and then an appropriate person being assigned to action the step depending on text that could easily be created as a note. As it is, this info needs to be dug out of the original form submission and pasted into a note so it appears in the people flow steps, a manual step that slows down the process of enagaging people in service of God and their community.
I can also imagine a similar use for Prayer Request Forms, and the like.
Andy Barras
Can't believe this is still pending. Why does using elvanto make me so sad?
Sabrina Sherman
Anna Bandel Just wanted to let you know that I merged this request with the existing one so your vote is added. This is pretty highly requested, so I'm hoping we can dedicate some work to form improvements like this in the future.
If anything changes here, this post will be updated.
Hope that helps!
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Add Notes through a Form
Anna Bandel
Would like to be able to add notes through a form, so anyone can enter them without giving away too much access.
Carrisa Macfarlane
I agree - currently we are manually taking information from forms and putting them as a note on the persons profile (or in the flow) - a way to automate this would be great!
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Make "Add a Person Note" an action available in forms
Bruce McClenahan
As a pastor, when I bring up a person record, I look at Notes to find out about that person. By having an action on event registration forms to add a Note to the person, it would allow me to see what a person had been involved in without having to check attendance lists and reports which is time-consuming and inconvenient.
Anna Navarro
Pam Nelson
Here for the feed! Came to write this same post - very interested in the follow on from this.
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Update people notes from a form
Gabe Carter
I would love it if a form had a notes section that could add a note to a person's profile.
Elaine Chen
This could be a workaround for the lack of being able to pass fields from FORMS to FLOWS or having the ability to utilize conditional logic on the forms.
This is especially true if we want to use the form to indicate a selection, e.g. which group the person is interested in attending. Since the group item is a custom field on the FORM, we cannot pass it into the FLOW in any meaningful way. Getting from the FLOW back to the person's FORM is a multi-step process, which is confusing and difficult for novices to the system. I thought perhaps being able to add a NOTE to the person with some of the responses from the FORM would be helpful to increase access to the data that was provided in the FORM once the person has been added to a FLOW. Thanks!
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