Include service item details in reminders and printed rosters
Gus Cameron
It would be helpful to link service plan items to volunteers (eg. the Bible reading service item is linked to a Bible Reader department) and then be able to include the service plan item description (eg. the Bible reading passage) in the reminder SMS/emails and roster printouts (in the table view rather than having to print the whole plan over multiple pages)
We have a number of older people who can't use apps etc. Currently we have to create a seperate printout in something like Excel for them which is doubling up work. It'd be helpful to give them a 1 page printout from ChMS that has the full roster as a table including dates, people and Bible passages etc.
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Send Service Notes and Runsheet with Service Reminder Emails
Nigel Fortescue
It is great to have reminder emails to be able to send to volunteers but some volunteers need more information. Song choices for the day. Bible readings. Prayer topics. Name of preacher. Name of service leader to talk to. There are lots of %kdjnvkdj% codes but none that work for notes, or run sheet or other helpful bits. Some simple new code here would make the reminder emails super powerful and require less extra follow up. Thanks.
Sabrina Sherman
Merged in a post:
Integrating Bible Readings
Steven Layson
It would be very helpful to be able to type in the details of a bible reading when rostering and for that reading to be sent automatically to those doing the reading (both in the initial request and the reminder email), as well as being inserted into the service plan.
Sabrina Sherman
Hey Steven :)
This seems to be an existing request, so I'm going to merge these so that your votes count together.
Grace Network Technology Administrator
Our older volunteers struggle with using Elvanto and don't understand why the email roster reminders don't tell them what Bible Reading they are doing. That means we get several phone calls to the office a week to ask the same question. Please could you add this feature and save all of us a great deal of time and effort?
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Send Order of Service and Volunteer List to Volunteers on Email Reminders
When volunteers for a service receive their reminder email, it would be great if the order of service and other volunteers could be included in that email
Angela Cameron
That would be amazing! Exactly what we need too!