Multiple Volunteer Reminders
Elaine Chen
You can only set 1 reminder before services. Right now we have it set for 5 days before service, in case our volunteers need time to find a replacement for them.
However, if they do find a replacement, the new person will never receive a reminder... because it will never be 5 days before the service again. It would be great if we could ALSO send reminders 1 day before service to everyone currently scheduled (including the new volunteers) that they are expected the next day.
Multiple reminders for services. Thank you.
Sabrina Sherman
Dale Cunningham
Sabrina Sherman: I note that you can now add multiple reminders BUT that you can't have different kinds of reminders. In our situation, we'd like to send an email reminder 5 or 6 days before the service followed up by an SMS reminder the day before. The way it seems to be set up is that we'd have to send BOTH reminders as emails or BOTH reminders as SMS messages or BOTH reminders as both emails and SMS messages. Do I need to open up a new feature request re this?
Sabrina Sherman
Dale Cunningham: Yes, this would probably be a new feature request. There is one about different departments getting different reminders, but i don't think the one you're describing has been added yet.
Sabrina Sherman
under review
Dale Cunningham
I'd like to be able to send an email 5 or 6 days before the service and then an SMS 1 day before the service for those who have requested them.
Anna Navarro
Miriam Garcia
It would be quite helpful to be able to schedule different reminders to different departments according to the need, instead of one generic reminder.
This would be a great addition. It isn't ideal that every position receives the same scheduling reminders. For example: I would want those who are preaching to be reminded at an earlier interval and system than the people on hosting.
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Selective reminder emails based on department settings
Silvanus Thiem
Hey team,
We'd love for reminders emails about rostered positions to be sent or not sent according to the departments of a position. We've found that there are some positions that would be better served if they didn't receive a reminder email, and others where the opposite is the case.
Could you please look into this? Thanks! 👍
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Individual Reminders
Charity Lane
I'd love to be able to set different reminders for different departments or sub departments. For instance, most of the people rostered are for Sunday service and we have that reminder set the day before. However, we have a Thursday night practice for our worship team and I'd like to be able to roster and send a reminder to one of our soundmen that they are rostered for practice. This person may or may not be the same person running sound in one of our Sunday services.
Stewart Polley
under review
Stewart Polley
Merged in a post:
Different days for team reminders
Hi. We have an automatic volunteer schedule reminder (sms & email) that we send to everyone 2 days before the service. One of our teams would prefer if their reminder could be sent out 6 days before so that their team makes practise. Is it possible to have one team get a reminder at a different time from all the rest? Thanks!
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