Ability to show only active or hidden funds when editing a donation
Tania Mahoney
With the new feature in Giving 2.0 that allows us to edit a donation to a different fund based on the donors request, it show every single fund there ever was. In Giving 1.0, when editing it only showed the active funds.
While I understand that some people may want to designate to an archived fund, I feel like the majority would only want to see active funds in the drop down list.
It would be great if we could by default only see active funds, and then if necessary show all funds.
This is particularly an issue for us since we have been with Tithe.ly for quite some time and at one point when people would misspell a fund or call is something slightly different, it would just add that fund. Although it allowed me to rename them, we now have a ton of archived funds. I do understand that once the 'merge funds' option is available that would help but I still think showing only active funds by default would be extremely helpful in our case (we probably have around 30 archived funds).