ACH(EFT) for Canada
Carl Harris
Can partner with a Canadian company to provide this? EFTCanada would be an option.
Ryan Mcvety
Any update on this?
Greg Servage
Adam Barry - Any updates on this? Looking at Stripe's website, they rolled out support for PAD, which is not ACH/EFT, but seems like a step in the right direction:
Another donation platform, Donorbox, has integrated Canadian PADs into their product so from a technical standpoint, it is possible ;)
I'm still rooting for this to be added into Tithely, and understand the complexities of needing to wait on Stripe and the Canadian banking system to open things up.
Adam Barry
Greg Servage: The work we've been doing with our new giving form and app will allow us to implement EFT much simpler. While I don't have an exact timeline, once the new giving form is rolled out over the next few months, making EFT available is one of the top priorities.
Greg Servage
Adam Barry: Great to hear!
Josiah Shelley
Adam Barry Any update on this?
Julia Rhodes
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Debit Card Use in Canada
Ronald Gumbley
It would be very helpful to be anble to use Debit card and not just credit cards when using Tithely. Is there any update on this as it is coming up to 3 years and having not heard about any progress.
Daniel Colantonio
I am in Canada, and people can use a Debit Card as long as its a Debit Visa Card (designated on the card). Most bank debit cards are basically all debit visa.
Julia Rhodes
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Canadian Banks
Jason Hinsdale
Hello, I am wondering when will allow Canadians to give directly from their bank accounts? At this point our people can only give via credit card. People are asking if and when they can give directly from their bank accounts.
Thanks for getting back to me.
Jason Hinsdale
Lead Pastor
Bridge Church
Tim Nunweiler
Heather Komagum
Any more recent update on being able to take payments with debit cards in Canada?
Greg Servage
Heather Komagum: Adam Barry Yes! Very interested in an update on this as well :)
Adam Barry
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Debt Card Donations
Jana Cleverley
It would be great to have less income avenues. Ie: cash/cheques at the church, on line donations, DEFT's with the bank, e-transfers and then a debt machine.
If there was a way to include Debt Cards on the online giving - that would be awesome. I could get rid of a Machine, less entries, etc etc.
Thank you.
Adam Barry
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Jim Light
Quite disappointed. Our donors in Canada can't make a direct deposit from a personal bank account. I don't understand why I wasn't told this up front. A lot of wasted time!
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