Card Expiry notification
Daniel Colantonio
It has been brought to my attention that when a card expiry date is reached, there is no notification from that the issue is the date (or card). They are only told that the payment did not go through.
I think a notice to the user needs to include that the Card number or expiry date is incorrect (or something like that).
Janelle DeGrote
It would be great if we could update that information for the donor. Enter in new expiry date. Or in the email you send to them, could you embed a form for them to update their card? I have had numerous recurring gifts that want me to just update the expiration date, but i cannot. :(
Allan Burger should adjust the display of credit card information on all displays giving the partial credit card number and the expiry date.
The identification of expired credit cards appears to be a universal problem. I have been noticing on a number of locations on the web that when credit card information is being displayed, they are showing the credit card number as "card #: ****1234" but they are adding a second line of info as "expiry date: MM/YY". So every display of the credit card info provides full info without compromising security.
Allan Burger
Allan Burger
This is especially important since, after the entry of the card information initially, the details about the card are NOT visible to anyone with the exception of the last few digits of the credit card number.
The credit card may have been renewed with a new credit card with the same credit card number but a new expiry date and CSV number. But no one knows from the displays.
The Card Expiry Notification should be sent out to the donor, one to two months in advance of the actual expiry date on the card since the card issuers usually replace credit cards well in advance of expiry. In July, I received a replacement credit card for a card which was to expiry in October. When the new card was activated in July, the transactions would start failing on a credit card which records showed as still valid.
This notification process would be running totally independently of and in parallel with the payment processes.
Allan Burger