I tested the text to give for a client and received a reply message with the giving link. The reply text to my "give" message was somewhat confusing. Firstly, the link to complete your gift should either be a short-link or bitly OR just be embedded in a word, not written out in full. It looks amateur that way. Also, the message referenced emoji giving. This doesn't make sense at the reply message because my organization doesn't do emoji giving. This only makes sense for groups that have that as a giving option and thus shouldn't be part of the reply. The additional info texted to me after I made my gift was also a bit garbled. If I can suggest an update:
Hi there! Click here to set up text giving and complete your gift to (church or nonprofit)!
Then, once the test giving is set up and the first gift is made:
Thank you! Now you can make any additional gifts to (church or nonprofit) by simply texting a dollar amount! You can event make your gift monthly. Just text "100" or "20 Monthly". It's that simple! Text "Options" to see more ways to give.
Thank you! Now you can make any additional gifts to (church or nonprofit) by simply texting a dollar amount! Just text "100". It's that simple! Text "Options" to see more ways to give.
Lastly, if an admin could tailor these messages, even for a fee, I think it would be extremely beneficial. Thank you.