Export Bank Deposit Summary Details as PDF
Rachel Peters
why can't Tithely use pdf reporting??? Why can't the different account funds be available on the deposit summary report?? Other giving platforms seem to manage this effortlessly. We have to report these other giving designations. With Tithely's current reporting, each transaction has to be viewed or a very detailed csv report created - so time consuming! I must say I have discouraged many people from choosing Tithely because of accounting and reporting issues.
Sharon Downs
As the contributions manager for our church, I am responsible for posting all the donations. V2's deposit report is a step backwards from V1. It takes too many hidden steps to get print. The print format is unacceptable. Downloading the deposit detail in a CSV file is not acceptable backup documentation for an auditor. I need the V1 Bank deposit report in V2. It would be even better if the memo line was included.
Julia Rhodes
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Ability to create Financial reports that have account info
Jennifer Clark
Every week, we need a total of how much was given to each account, at a glance. Every month, I need to print totals of just on-line transactions with batch dates for bank reconciliation. None of these need "People" information, just financial. However, when creating a report, the only fields available are people ones.
Julia Rhodes
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Bank Deposit Report for Fund Totals, Anonymous Givers
Jim Becker
We need a emailed report for each deposit date that shows the total amount for each fund without identifying the givers.
Julia Rhodes
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Deposit Downloads
Eric Kraehenbuehl
Just some feedback. I found the tithe.ly 1.0 giving much more user friendly and the cvs files for download of deposits better titled and providing better formatted and named data. Not really finding the 2.0 version user friendly for the giving Deposit files and download names. Thank you for your time.
Julia Rhodes
Hi Jim! Thanks for your feedback here. We are one step closer to your request. Although we don't have an emailed report, we do have the option now to see the bank deposit details and the fund breakdown for those. Although still a workaround, you could screenshot that to share with your team as to not identify givers. I am going to merge this with our other feedback, but I was excited to share some kind of an update with you!
Joseph Ranney
Julia Rhodes: Hi Julia, For years now I've always been able to copy/paste a portion of the bank deposit reports (screen scrape or highlight/copy, either way) and I have to then email that to the other folks who just need the account breakouts who balance books, etc. It would be so nice if they could login and get this without needing my help, and also without seeing all the giver detail, --or-- if it could be emailed automatically from tithely this way - for example in the emails titled 'New Deposit in Your Account'. Thank you!
Julia Rhodes
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Giving 2.0 - Print Bank Deposits
Tyler Rasmussen
So here's what's totally weird:
If I click "Bank Deposits" and click a specific deposit, it brings up this page with a beautiful statement of the bank deposit. But it prints horribly.
If I then click "View All Transactions", it brings up this page with a wonderful table of transactions (and I can select which columns I want, though it doesn't save my preferences for the next time I open transactions...), but it prints even more horribly.
If I then click the "Summary" button in the top corner, I get this Transaction Summary page that almost looks IDENTICAL to the bank deposit page (the only information missing is the deposit date), and IT PRINTS BEAUTIFULLY!!!
Question: Why can't the bank deposit page and the transaction page print beautifully? WHY? And why is it so many hidden steps to get to a page the does print beautifully?
Julia Rhodes
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CSV availability for Bank Deposit Summary
Daniel Colantonio
Currently this is only available for Deposit Transaction Details, but we really need if for the Summary. The Summary (with notes) is what our Book Keeper needs for weekly Journal Entries.
Julia Rhodes
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Our church would like to be able to generate paper reports for staff members who cannot have access to our financial information which mimic the Tithely reports for overall giving within certain date ranges with graphs. When we put in a date range, 3 graphs appear on the screen but they're not replicated in paper reports. Data needed is for monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and annually and should include overall giving, repeat giving, new givers, # of givers but no names of individuals.
Rachel Peters
1.0 actually had a fairly good pdf report
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