Giving to Multiple funds in one transaction
Brad Buford
This is a must for churches. We want donations to be quick and convenient. Having to do multiple transactions to designate funds is not convenient. Makes the process seem old fashioned. Please update.
Nick White
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Jonathan Painter
Giving to multiple funds in one transaction was a feature when we first came on that has been taken away. We now have to use an old form in order to keep it available. It was a deciding factor when we chose and I am sorely disappointed it is gone. I was told when contacting support that yall were working on it and that it was one of your most requested items. However, yall have rolled out big reveals and new features without addressing this very pressing issue. I am hopeful for it's return soon. Thank you.
Nick White
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you so much for this feedback and giving your voice to this critical issue. We are looking closely at this and hoping to introduce this feature to our New Giving Form in the near future.
Julia Rhodes
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One Transaction Per Person for Batch Giving
Regina Gardner
I have people giving to multiple giving types/funds each week in our cash contributions. With batch giving, I have to enter their name, select cash, select giving type/fund and date for EACH TYPE (our giving envelopes have multiple things to give to) It would be great if I could enter the name, select cash, then enter the TOTAL gift amount, then select each type/fund and enter the specific amount for that type and it continue to give me the ability to select types and amounts until I've disbursed the enter TOTAL gift amount for that envelope. This is how the old program I was using worked and with batch it's taking me twice and sometimes 3 times as long to enter contributions.
Joshua Looper
Every other giving software offers this capability. this should be a basic function. Not all churches operate solely on Tithes and Offerings Fund
Julia Rhodes
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Add Fee Totals for Multiple Funds
Kasey Sheaffer
Summary reports should include the fee amount for each fund in addition to the total fee amount. For instance, the report should show total fees for "General Giving" and total fees for "Benevolence" instead of just total fees for all funds combined.
Kasey Cullom
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Split Donations
Meg Palmer
As is common in most churches, sometimes people give to more than one fund with the same payment. For example, a check or credit card for $125 may be split as: $75 offering, $50 missions. How do we post this as donation? The only way we see to do it is to have multiple entries but that doesn't make sense as it gives incorrect information for our bookkeeper to track. How do we do this properly? Putting it in note fields is not a good option since that is easy to miss and really doesn't fully address the problem.
Kasey Cullom
Hi Meg!
Thanks so much for taking the time to post your feature update request here :) Your idea is inline with other posts that have been posted here in Canny. One of the ways that we track feature requests in this space is by watching the votes and comments. By merging your post with other it will rise higher up in the overall voting. :)
Please continue to reach out with any other feature update requests you may have!
Julia Rhodes
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Give to multiple types without logging in
Bridgett Neto
I have had a ton of people asking why they can't choose to give to more than one thing when they go to give online. Instead they have to do separate transactions. So I found out that you have to be logged in to Tithely to add another giving type. That's already irritating them enough, but then on top of that, they can't just log in with the username and password they use for everything else church related (their Elvanto login). No, they have to create a completely separate account for Tithely (and then remember ANOTHER login). If Tithely and Elvanto are integrated, why can't they log in using the same name and password? And when they click "Give Online" from the member area of Elvanto, they should already be logged in. Best case scenario would be if someone could give to multiple types without having to log in at all. Can you pretty please make that possible? And at the very least, can you add a line to the giving form that states "In order to give to multiple funds, please log in", so that I can stop wasting my time answering that question for everyone? Thanks!
Julia Rhodes
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Giving Funds
Nathan Carlson
You must be able to give to multiple Funds on the App and make these donations recurring all in one donation.
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