Tithely Pay for Donations
Charles Lincoln
I strongly agree with this suggestion
Julia Rhodes
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Card reader for Kiosk
Templo Jerusalen
Using the Pay card reader for the kiosk so the people can give (in the lobby) by inserting or swiping card.
Robert Hile
If tithe.ly pay could be used for donations that are not anonymous, or if they could make the virtual terminal compatible with the card reader. This would be extremely helpful for my situation.
Adam Barry
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Tithe.ly Kiosk giving does not support card readers
Karl Shifflett
How can the Kiosk giving app not support any type of card reader? This is nuts. The giving video clearly shows a card being held near a no-swipe card reader.
The purchase app supports this but not the Kiosk app. Our members gave up on the Kiosk app long ago, so frustrating to use.
When will the Kiosk app support the card reader or card swipe?
Karl Shifflett
Our members gave up on the Kiosk because of the lack of a reader. So sad that the Giving Promo video shows a card reader being used, but they actually do not support this. There other product that allows members to purchase items fully supports the card reader. Dissappointed...
Morris Sample
We need to have the card reader work with Kiosk app so we can take contributions with swipe of credit card. This would speed up entry for folks that want to contribute at the Kiosk.