Several points about creating app pages. It is confusing when the app pages you create often don't look the same on the computer as when you view in the app. I think there should be a defined space to work in on the dashboard the size of a phone screen so that I am seeing what will show up on the actual page viewed on the phone. (like a ms word document, it looks the same on your screen as when you print) Similarly with The "drag and drop" feature, some of the snippets don't look the same in the app as on the dashboard. for example, there is an image snippet with 3 small images side by side. If I drag this onto a page and save it, and view on the app, it stacks the 3 images on top of each other. Also there is a map snippet with text on the side of it, but in the app it shows up with the text first and then the map underneath. It would be helpful if anything I drag into the design space would show up exactly how it would look on a phone. Otherwise I'm wasting my time trying out multiple snippets to get the look I want. Negative space inbetween snippets. I feel there is too much negative space inbetween. For example, if I stack several banner images, there is a thick white bar separating them which is so thick it doesn't look right. Would be nice if this negative space was smaller, or if there was none at all and instead snippets with the negative space so I could be in control of how much distance is inbetween.